TNJFU Newsletter Significant Events for the Month of January 2023
Kisan Mela-Genetic Diversity Fair:
ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sikkal, Nagapattinam and Agriculture & Farmers
welfare department, Nagapattinam jointly organized district level Kisan Mela-Genetic
Diversity Program at KVK, Nagapattinam on 05.01.2023. In this program, created
awareness on traditional varieties cultivation, conservation and Water management
technologies and Drought, flood tolerant traditional varieties were also explained to the
farmers. Dr. Arun Thamburaj, IAS, District Collector headed the program. Mr.J.Akhanda
Rao, JDA, Nagapattinam welcomed the gathering. As a special invite MLA, Kilvelur,
Mr.Gowthaman, Chairman, Fisheries Development Corporation and other public
representatives were felicitated the program. Farmers Scientists interaction, Exhibition
were also conducted in the program. Dr.A.Gopalakannan, Programme Coordinator, KVK,
Nagapattinam given speech on importance of the programme. Lectures on Traditional
Varieties cultivation technologies, Pest and Disease Management, Fish culture and Value
addition and Nutritional benefits of Traditional varieties were given by Subject Matter
Specialists of KVK, Nagapattinam. There were about 215 farmers including officials and
students were participated.