![KVK Nagapattinam](https://kvknagapattinam.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/KVK-Nagapattinam-Front-300x214.jpg)
KVK is a district science centre established and funded by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) under host institute Tamil Nadu Dr. J. Jayalalithaa Fisheries University, Nagapattinam for testing and transfer of Agricultural and allied sciences technologies to bridge the gap between the production and productivity and to improve the livelihood and self employed activities of the farmers.
ICAR KVK – Nagapattinam – at a Glance
Krishi Vigyan Kendra of Nagapattinam district was established on 01.08.2004 at Sikkal village to work as resource and knowledge centre for agricultural and allied enterprises, supporting initiatives of public, private and voluntary sector thro’ OFTs, FLDs, trainings, exposure and crop diagnostic visits with the ultimate objective of improving the livelihood of the farmers, rural women, farm entrepreneurs and SHGs. Nagapattinam is representing the c
oastal eco-system with hot sub-humid to semi-arid eco-system having a growing period of 90 to 210 days. This is situated in Cauvery Delta Zone of Tamil Nadu at the tail end of the Cauvery river basin facing acute water scarcity during Kharif and Summer and floods and cyclone during North East monsoon season. Previously this KVK was functioning under the control of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore from 01.08.2004 to 31.03.2018.From 01.04.2018 the administrative control was transferred from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University to Tamil Nadu Dr.J.Jayalalithaa Fisheries University
![KVK Nagapattinam](https://kvknagapattinam.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/KVK-Nagapattinam-layout-295x300.jpg)
- Conducting on-farm testing to identify the location specific agricultural technologies under various farming systems
- Organizing frontline demonstrations to establish production potential of various crops and enterprises on the farmers’ fields
- Organizing need based training of farmers to update their knowledge and skills in modern agricultural technologies related to technology assessment, refinement and demonstration, and training of extension personnel to orient them in the frontier areas of technology development.
- Creating awareness about improved technologies to larger masses through appropriate extension programmes
- Production and supply of good quality seeds and planting materials, livestock, poultry and fisheries breeds and products and various bio-products to the farming community
- Organizing frontline demonstrations to establish production potential of various crops and enterprises on the farmers’ fields
Others Services
- Plant and disease diagnosis
- Quality Seeds ,Planting material , Bio agents and livestock supply
- Diagnostic field visits
- Farm advisory service
- Resource centre for farmers visiting KVK
- Resource person in trainings of line departments
- Weather information
- Mobile advisory service