Success story on Rice variety TKM 13

Success of paddy variety TKM 13 cultivation in Nagapattinam District

Newly released rice variety TKM 13 (TNAU, 2014) was demonstrated through Front Line Demonstration in farmers’ field of Kilvelur block (Iluppur, Anaimangalam, Nangudi and Pattamangalam), Nagapattinam block (North Poigainallur, Vadavur and Sikkal) Thirumarugal block (Marungoor), Sembanarkoil block (Anaimattam) during Thaladi season 2015 in Nagapattinam District.

Among the ten demonstrations, Mr. G. Jeevanantham S/o Th.Ganapathi, Nangudi, Kilvelur block of Nagapattinam district who is 53 years old progressive farmer and his qualification is HSC. He has successfully cultivated TKM 13 paddy variety and produces an average yield of 1800 Kg per acre even in the unfavorable flood condition. He told that with the technical support of KVK, Sikkal, Nagapattinam following Integrated crop Management practices were adopted.

  • Seed treatment with Pseudomonas (10 g/kg of seed)
  • Seed treatment with Azophos @ 200g/ 16 kg of seed
  • Transplanting of 25 days old seedlings with the spacing of 20×10 cm,
  • Provided rogue spacing for every 8 rows
  • Planted parallel to sunlight
  • Root tipping of seedlings with Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 1kg in 20 liter of water was done before transplanting.
  • Soil application of P. fluorescens @ 1 Kg/acre on 15 days after transplanting and application of foliar spray of P. fluorescens @ 1 kg/ac in 200 lit of water during before and after flowering.
  • Application of 30 kg of urea, 40 kg of DAP and 10 kg of muriate of potash per acre as basal. The top dressing of was given during active tillering, panicle initiation and flowering stage with 30 kg of urea and 10 kg of muriate of potash per acre at each time.
  • Application of Gypsum @ 200 kg/ acre and zinc sulphate @ 10 kg /acre during the time of last ploughing.
  • Application of Azadirachtin (10,000 ppm) @ 500 ml/ac was done to manage the sucking pest.
  • Soil application of Beuveria bassiana and Lecanicillium lecanii @ 2 kg/ acre at tillering stage to manage the larval pests and sucking pests respectively
  • He earned Rs.14,000/- as a net return from one acre of land.

Comparison of cost and economics between BPT 5204 and TKM 13

Sl.No.ParticularsBPT 5204TKM 13
1.Yield (kg/ac)14701800
2.Cost of cultivation (Rs./ac)1600016000
3.Gross income (Rs./ac.)2450030000
4.Net return (Rs./ ac.)850014000
5.BC Ratio1.61.88

He said that yield of  TKM 13 of rice variety was recorded  1800 Kg per acre with improved agricultural management practices over farmers practice (1470 kg/ac)the number of productive tillers 354/m2.    Because, this variety is moderately resistant to leaf folder, stem borer, green leaf hopper, blast, rice tungro disease, brown spot, sheath rot diseases and lodging resistance compared to BPT 5204 it will be best alternate to BPT 5204 variety in Nagapattinam district. Moreover, this variety is highly responsive to fertilizers and manures, it has high milling yield and head rice yield.