Externally Funded Projects
SL NO | Title of the programme / project | Year | Sponsoring agency | Amount (Rs in Lakh) |
1 | Establishment of Aquaponics demo units | 2018-19 | National Fisheries Development Board | 10.66 |
2 | Training on Profitable Dairy farming | 2019-20 | National Banking for Agriculture and Rural Development | 0.398 |
3 | Skill Training-Integrated development of Small Ruminants and Rabbits | 2019-20 | National Agricultural Development Programme | 0.42 |
4 | Bee Keeping-CAT Training | 2019-20 | National Banking for Agriculture and Rural Development | 0.42 |
5 | Training and Demonstration on Agri and allied activities under SCSP | 2019-20 | Tamil Nadu Dr.J.Jayalalithaa Fisheries University | 4.50 |
6 | University Revolving Fund Project for Income generation | 2019-20 | Tamil Nadu Dr.J.Jayalalithaa Fisheries University | 12.25 |
7 | Skill Training on Agriculture allied technologies | 2020-21 | National Agricultural Development Programme | 0.60 |
8 | LEDP Training – Poultry Rearing other than Chicken for vulnerable women group | 2020-21 | National Banking for Agriculture and Rural Development | 6.18 |
9 | Training on Promoting Organic Paddy Farming Practices | 2020-21 | Indian Institute of Rice Research | 14.90 |
10 | Disaster management and Drought mitigation measures for Field Level staff and village Functionaries | 2020-21 | National Agricultural Development Programme | 0.21 |
11 | Oyster Mushroom Production unit | 2020-21 | Indian Institute of Rice Research | 1.00 |
12 | Goat Rearing unit | 2020-21 | National Banking for Agriculture and Rural Development | 3.40 |
13 | Skill Development Training on Silk Worm Rearing | 2020-21 | National Banking for Agriculture and Rural Development | 0.95 |
14 | Publication of Book on Mush production technologies | 2020-21 | National Banking for Agriculture and Rural Development | 0.48 |
15 | Publication of Book on Scientific Dairy farming | 2020-21 | National Banking for Agriculture and Rural Development | 0.60 |
16 | Solar Dryer Unit for Fish Processing | 2021-22 | Central Institute of Fisheries Technology | 0.70 |
17 | Egg Hatchery unit- Common Service Centre | 2021-22 | National Banking for Agriculture and Rural Development | 1.25 |
18 | Skill Training-Goat farming in Value chain Integration for returnee migrants of Nagapattinam Dt. | 2021-22 | National Banking for Agriculture and Rural Development | 3.60 |
19 | Goat Breeding unit-FSPF | 2021-22 | National Banking for Agriculture and Rural Development | 18.05 |
20 | Milky Mushroom Production unit | 2021-22 | National Banking for Agriculture and Rural Development | 1.50 |
21 | Mushroom Spawn production unit | 2021-22 | National Banking for Agriculture and Rural Development | 0.50 |
22 | Skill Training on Scientific Bee Keeping | 2021-22 | National Bee Board | 3.62 |
23 | STRY-Training on Mushroom Production Technology | 2021-22 | State Agriculture Extension Management Training Institute | 0.42 |
24 | STRY Training on Organic farming | 2021-22 | State Agriculture Extension Management Training Institute | 0.42 |
25 | Skill Training- Preparation of Dry fish and marketing & Fish Amino Acid preparation and application- 3 days | 2021-22 | Central Institute of Fisheries Technology | 1.00 |
26 | Capacity building Training programme on Dairy farming to women entrepreneurs (5 days) – 2 batch | 2021-22 | National Commission for Women | 3.44 |
27 | Development of IFS model farm at KVK | 2021-22 | Tamil Nadu Dr.J.Jayalalithaa Fisheries University | 8.00 |
28 | Establishment of Mini Fish Processing Unit at KVK | 2021-22 | Central Institute of Fisheries Technology | 0.30 |
29 | Pulse Production Technology | 2022-23 | State Government | 1.40 |
30 | IFS | 2022-23 | NAARM | 2.50 |
31 | Integrated Fish farming | 2022-23 | NAARM | 2.50 |